Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day and The Snowy Day After!

Santa came to see us!

Still sleepy girls


Tearing in to see what treasures Santa left



She wore this hat ALL day!
The day after Christmas brought us another present….

In the form of snow!
Probably more snow than we have seen in years!  And it is
noon and it is still snowing!
So we bundled up, living where it rarely snows and if it does
we only get a dusting, we don’t have much in the way of
snow clothes.  We just happened to have some from when
we were in China last year during their great blizzard.

Now we are all snug inside.  Daddy is making snow cream,
which if you don’t live in the south you probably don’t know
what that is!  I grew up in Minnesota and never heard of it. 
Leave it to those crazy southerners!
Looking forward to saying good-bye to 2010 and praying
for a better 2011.
Wishing all of you a blessed and peaceful season!
* Can I just say- I am hating blogger lately!  It is messing with
ALL my spacing and taking me forever to correct it!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the night before Christmas…

And all through the house, well Mema’s house actually, ALL
the Things are stirring…..
Even big brother Shane…
UUHH, Daddy was busy watching Han*nah Mon*tana…
Puppies were kissed…
Whipping cream fights broke out…
A starlet even made an appearance…
Once we got home, the reindeer food was put out…
And Santa’s snack is waiting for him…
Wishing All of You a Very Blessed Christmas!
(We miss you Dad)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Who Knew…..

That my little elves could dance like this?


Sunday, December 12, 2010

We’ll see you later Dad

I knew it would be hard, but not this hard.  How do you say

good-bye?  How do you find the words to write about it?  I

have written and deleted so many times.  It is so hard to

write down your feelings, to do them justice.

We laid Dad to “rest” yesterday.  Of course in true fashion for

this family it was not the “norm”.  Or what others will

perceive as the “norm”.  But it is what Dad wanted and

it was the last request of his we could honor.

So Dad was cremated and laid to rest in the lake he and Mom

lived on.  No ceremony, no memorial, just family.  He loved

being on the lake.  He loved to fish, swim, boat and just sit in

his chair and look out the patio doors onto the lake.  I think or

I like to think that these were his happiest years.  He was

living on the lake, his children were near, his grandchildren

were near.  Oh how he loved his grandchildren!  They brought

him a happiness that is unsurpassed by any.


So, this is NOT good-bye.  Dad will always be with us.

We love you and we will see you later DAD!







Sunday, December 5, 2010

Walking with Jesus

Leif, Dad, Papa


3/18/1931- 12/05/2010

Dad went Home this morning.  We are trying to take comfort

knowing that he is no longer in pain and that he is walking

with Jesus.  I am certain that my Grandma, his Mom, was

there to meet him.  Oh how he missed her, I do too.  And I

miss him already.

We LOVE you Dad, Papa!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

On this day and everyday…..

To all that have served in the past and all that are serving


(Tim, Dad, Grandpa, Uncle John, Johnnie- who gave the

ultimate sacrifice, Timothy and Shane- who are serving now)




Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tis the Season…

for giving and Steffie at Ni Hao Y'all is always giving of herself.  Well now she wants to give to us out in blogland.  She is doing “30 days of Giveaways”.  And her giveaways are always awesome.  So hop on over and see what she is up to.  Just click the button below or on the side bar.


Thank you Steffie!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where Has This Year Gone?

OH MY STARS!!  I was visiting some of my favorite places in blog land and it hit me…..  Christmas is approaching and fast!  Thank you Donna and Missy.

 So I have jumped into the season and decorated the blog already and we will soon be doing the same to our home.  Yes, we are those people!  But really, I need something to take my mind off things.  And Tim will be heading to surgery on Dec. 3rd.  They will be doing his shoulder- cleaning it out and moving his biceps muscle.  So we need to get things moving in the decorating department.  Don’t even remind me about the shopping to be done!  I am really struggling on what to get everyone.


Dad is doing fairly well.  He is continuing radiation therapy on his brain and they will start on the mass in his chest also.  Hopefully this will relieve a lot of his chest symptoms.  They have not begun chemotherapy yet, they were waiting to see if he was going to have surgery on the mass in his chest.  Hopefully they will start it soon.

As I said above Tim will have surgery on his shoulder.  The cervical spine injections have relieved his arm numbness but not the shoulder pain.  So to surgery he goes.

Thanks to my cousin, who is a psychologist but not in this area, we have found a therapist who states she can treat Sierra.  We will see her in a few weeks.  Thank you so much Kristi!!!

Thank you again for your prayers and please keep them going!

I found this on Missy's blog and love it!  To help you get into the spirit of the season!


Saturday, October 30, 2010



Samie’s middle school cheerleading squad competed today in the county wide competition.  They placed second in their division!  We think they were first, and that is NOT Mama’s bias talking either!

They rocked!





Congratulations Ladies!



Happy Halloween

Last night was Trick or Treat night in our town.  First we had to carve our pumpkin…


Syd thought this was so funny!



Our Pumpkin!!


This year we had Cleopatra, a witch and Alice in Wonderland!


What could have caused this???……


The vampire sister!!


Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween!

PS- Dad is now home from the hospital.  He had an IVC filter placed and he was started on radiation therapy.  They are still considering surgery on his chest and must wait to start chemotherapy until after he has surgery if they are going to do it.  He is resting comfortably at home right now.  Thank you for all your prayers and ask that you continue to keep him in them.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Long overdue updates…..  I just wish there was good news to tell.  This may be long so if you are here for the pictures scroll on down to the end.  I am going to go heavy on the pics as Dad is not able to get to the girls many activities and I know he wants to see them. 

So, for updates….

1.  Dad has been diagnosed with metastatic melanoma.  But we are at a standstill as far as treatment.  We should hear something tomorrow after the surgeon, radiation oncologist and medical oncologist all meet today.  He has a large mass in his chest that must be debulked (surgically reduced) before they can do radiation.  It is pressing on his esophagus and too close to other organs for them to get at it with radiation without damaging those organs.  Also, if he is to have chemotherapy, they must do surgery before he can get the chemo.  But they need to decide if surgery is even an option due to where the mass is.

We know that whatever his path is the Lord already knows it.  We ask that you would remember Dad (Papa) in your prayers and ask for healing and peace.

** Update**  Urgent prayer request PLEASE!  Dad has been admitted to the hospital for a blood clot in his leg.  They also did another brain MRI and have found more tumors on his brain and they are bleeding!  We know they can not treat the blood clot with this bleeding going on.  We will find out in the morning what his plan of treatment will be.  PLEASE PRAY!

 2.  Tim has been getting injections into his cervical spine for his shoulder pain.  The injections are hard on him.  He has neck stiffness, headaches and his blood sugars go sky high for 3-4 days after.  He just had his 2nd one and he says the numbness in his arm has decreased but the pain is only eased for a few days.  He sees the orthopedist next week and we will make a decision at that time on surgery.

We ask that you would remember Tim and healing for him in your prayers.

3.  I really wish I could say that things were improving with Sierra.  We are STILL trying to find a therapist who will treat her.  I mean how hard is this??  We live in an area that has very prominent hospitals and universities, VERY prominent!  We live in an area that is NOT foreign to adoption.  HOW HARD IS THIS??  Obviously VERY!  I am not kidding when I say we have seen 3 therapists and talked with 2 or 3 others about treating her.  EVERY time we are punted to someone else. 

We ask that you would keep Sierra in your prayers and specifically for finding a therapist for her.

Now onto the PICS!

We hit the county fair earlier this month and the girls had a blast.  At first Sierra did not want to ride but she warmed up to them.




My happy girl at a football game…


Sierra cheering….


Our official Cheerleader!….



I put together some video of her cheering so Papa can see her.. it is only little snippets, every time I got the camera going the cheer was over!

Have I mentioned how PROUD of this girl we are? 

Here she is being inducted into the Beta Club at school.  She was chosen as the Representative to the Candidates.




And this is telling me she was fed up with tired of the pictures!


Please HUG your loved ones!


About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


About This Blog

the long road
Red Thread Stitches
