Friday, February 26, 2010

This girl......

SERIOUSLY melts my heart!

No matter how grouchy or grumpy Mama is, which happens to be A LOT lately, she can bring a smile to my face.

The other day she wanted to play a game with Sierra.  So she set it up and then proceeded to "read" the directions to Sierra.

After she had "read" a few minutes, she looked at me and said, "But I don't know HOW to read!"

Is it any wonder she melts my heart?!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Chinese New Year, Congratulations Samie!

What a week this has been!  And it doesn't look like next week is slowing down any.

This week started with Samie attending cheerleading practice and try outs every day after school.  The practices lasted 2- 3 hours, then of course she would practice at home for hours!  This all culminated with try outs Friday.  Tim and I were a little leary of cheerleading..... the rep they have, the attitudes and on and on.  And please no flames, I was a cheerleader too.  BUT, this coach is so different!  She came right out and said this is NOT a popularity contest and it is NOT a beauty contest.  The squad was judged by 3 people from other schools, so no one knew the girls.  The coach has also said that any attitude and you are off the squad.  She runs this squad like a sport and you are expected to be at practices and to do what she asks of you, NOT what you want to do on the squad.

She made the squad!!   We are so proud of her. If she sets her mind to something she WILL accomplish it.  And she still manages to keep straight A's in school.  If that ever changes then something will have to give.  And NO SAMIE, not school work!! :-)

Saturday we woke up to this......

The girls had a blast playing in it.  They built snowmen or in our case snow aliens and loved being pulled behind the the golf cart on the sled.


Sydney was very upset when it was starting to melt right away.  I think we all were.  This was the good snow.  The fluffy, beautiful snow.  But there is a reason we don't live further north.  It is exhausting getting three girls dressed to go outside in the snow!!

Today was a very full day!  We woke to Valentine wishes for everyone and wishes for a Xin Nian Kuai Le!  Happy New Year!  Today is the lunar new year.  This is a very big celebration in China and many people take 2 weeks off to visit family and celebrate.  The girls all put on their Chinese outfits and off to church we went.

This afternoon we headed out to celebrate the New Year with a group of families in our area that have also adopted from China.  It was wonderful as usual.  We don't get together often enough and the girls are always asking when we will see this group again.  There were crafts to do, food to eat and friends! 


And finally.... to the man who fulfills all  most of my dreams. (Have to leave him something to strive for!) 
I love you and Happy Valentine's Day!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Isaac is in his families arms.....

Please go visit this family and see their beautiful little boy.  Anne was such a comfort to me through our long process and she finally has her son in her arms.  Anne traveled with her two daughters and they are such a great family.  Her oldest, Courtney, is the author of the blog and is such an amazing writer for such a young woman.  So please go wish them well.


About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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the long road
Red Thread Stitches
