Friday, April 30, 2010

Sweet Friends

I have "met" some amazing people through the worlds of adoption and blogging.  Some I have never "met" in person, but they are still the sweetest!  One of them, Donna at Someone just for us , has awarded me the SWEET FRIENDS AWARD

Donna is an amazing Mom to 2 beautiful little boys and one gorgeous little girl from China.  We may live 100s of miles from each other, but I feel as if we could sit down to coffee tomorrow and laugh and cry with each other.  So go visit Donna and see if you don't fall in love with her too!

With this award I must tell 10 things that make me happy.  WOW, only 10??

  1. My sweet, hunky husband!  This man keeps me SANE and INSANE all at the same time.  Tim and I were set up on a blind date by a good friend of mine.  Tim had been married before and did not think he would get married again and I had given up on men altogether!  We were both blindsided and 28 days later we were engaged and 4 1/2 months later married.  15 years later I am still amazed at how this man loves me.  I can not begin to tell you the things he has put up with with me!  THANK YOU BABY!!
  2. My girls!  Samantha, Sydney and Sierra.  These girls have made me who I am today- MOMMY and so proud of it!  I gladly gave up a career as a Physician Assistant to be a stay-at-home Mom.  And have never regretted it once!  Questioned my sanity.... YES!  But never regretted!
  3. My Mom!  I don't say it often enough but I hope that she realizes this.  Besides an amazing Mom, she is a fantastic Mema!
  4. My four legged babies!  It all started years ago with Tina.  Our first Yorkshire Terrier.  She was really the family dog, but she started my love affair with the little fur balls.  Then came Bourbon.. my little man, then Sassie who was my best friend for almost 16 years and now my little Bailee.  The unconditional love from them has healed me many times!
  5. Cheesecake!  OH, the creamy goodness.  Usually I am a purist when it comes to cheesecake, but Che*secake Fac*ory has introduced me to some sinfully delicious alternatives.  Key Lime Cheesecake to name one!
  6. Sunsets over water!  I lived in Florida for 20 years and sitting on the beach watching the sun set over the ocean is a work of God.
  7. Reading!  I love to read, usually a murder mystery with some forensics mixed in.  Patricia Cornw*ll has been a favorite.  I also love Janet Ev*novich, she mixes in the mystery and humour at the same time.
  8. Sudoku!  I actually love most puzzle books, but am really fond of sudoku.  I can sit for hours doing this.  But who has that kind of time with three girls??
  9. Swimming!  There is just something about the water surrounding you and floating in it.  The peace of it.  Although putting on a bathing suit kind of spoils it all lately!
  10. A lazy afternoon spent with family!  Whether we are just puttering around the house, camping, playing outdoors, nothing beats time spent with my family!
So now I must pass this award on to some other deserving sweet friends, Monica and Kelly.  I would also like to give a shout out to Amy, wish you had not stopped blogging, but I certainly understand.  Please go visit these amazing women.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Prayers Needed!

Please pray for this precious little girl and her family.  I will be giving my girls an extra big hug tonight.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Splish Splash.....

I was taking a bath......  Well at least one of them was until one fell in and then there were 2!

Can you guess which one was supposed to be taking the bath?

I"ll give you a hint... the one with her clothes on was NOT supposed to be in the tub.

But then the naked one decided she needed to be bathed also!

Later this is what I found in my bathroom......

a two headed, 4 armed thing!

The other week Things 2 and 3 went on a field trip for their pre-school.  The girls had a great time.

This girl is a sure footed monkey

And this one is working on it.

And finally....  Things 1 and 2 are in dance classes this year.  Thing 3 will start this summer.  They are getting ready for their recital in June and they had pictures this week.  I somehow missed getting any pictures of Thing 1, Samie, in her costume.  But here is Thing 2 and her sassy little self.

Sorry Sam!  But I promise to make up for it at the recital!  I know you can't wait!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!


Getting these girls going in the mornings is NOT easy!

Until you tell them that the Easter Bunny has made an appearance.

And they come running to see what the little furry guy has left them.

Tricky little guy!

He knows how to hide those eggs!

But these girls are NOT going to let the little guy get the best of them.

OOPS!!  Dropped some!  Must have been an accident, these little angels would never purposely drop their egg so they could scoop the little goodies into their mouths!  NOPE, not them!

And here is another typical photo shoot at our house!


Had to get these up right away for a certain Mema who was sick today and could not spend Easter with her 3 greatest joys!  Hope you are feeling better!

About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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the long road
Red Thread Stitches
