Monday, May 31, 2010


To the men and women of our armed forces and their families…



It seems like so little, but they hear it so seldom.  So please, thank the next person you see in our armed forces or their family.

Thank you- Timothy and Shane, my stepsons.  Timothy is in the Army and stationed in Alaska.  He was in Iraq for over a year.  Shane is in the Marines and is currently in Afghanistan.

Thank you- My husband, my father and my grandfather for the service they gave.

And thank you to my cousin John who gave the ultimate sacrifice… his life, while serving in Vietnam.



Sunday, May 30, 2010

Chocolate Really Does Cure All!

OK, we were in Wally World yesterday and Syd got injured.  NO, we are not those people that let their kids twirl around and pull on each other and raise a ruckus in a store…..  OF COURSE NOT! 

But somehow her forehead connected with the concrete floor.  We were getting in the check out lane and Tim picked up a bar of his our favorite chocolate.  He held it up to Syd and said, “Would this make you feel better?”  She grabbed it and said, “YES!”  And this is what the girl did with it…….

001 002 

Just goes to prove that chocolate really is the best medicine!  Funny, all this time I have been taking it orally.  Who knew it was to be applied directly to the boo-boo??


Friday, May 28, 2010

The Graduates



Thing 2 and Thing 3 had their preschool graduation last night.  The theme of their show was “Rumble In The Jungle”.  TOO CUTE!  Sydney has been fighting strep throat all week and was still a little peaked last evening.  To top it off, she fell the other evening and is sporting a nice bruise on her face.


 Sierra loves being the center of attention.023

No matter how bad Syd was feeling, bring on a little cake and she perks right up!





Look out kindergarten here they come!


OK, if anyone can tell me WHY?? Live Wri*er will NOT let me post a photo album I would be very grateful!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Song!

Dawn at Brown circus posted this and I just had to share!

I can SOOO relate!

We have a very busy next few weeks.  I will try to post pics when I can.  Tonight Things 2 and 3 graduate from Pre-school!!Lots of Kleenex will be needed.  Thing 1 is finishing up EOGs this week.  Next week we have dance recitals and Sierra turns 5.  The next week Samie finishes up school and then we are going to see the mouse!  Insert squeals of joy from all three things!!  And YES, besides the packing, I am soooo looking forward to this trip.

Please keep our family in your prayers.  I prefer not to go into what is going on, some of you know, but we are in desperate need of your prayers.  I am still debating on doing a post about our struggles.  Maybe someday I can…….. maybe.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In Memory and Honor of Chrissie

Chrissie is dancing with her Heavenly Father.  She went home to Him this morning.  Please remember her family in your prayers.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mommy Rhapsody

Love this!  Missy at it's almost NAPTIME!! posted this and the whole family sat and laughed.  Some of us more than others!  This is the kick off for the Mother’s Day service at The Church On The Move.


Monday, May 10, 2010

The Best Mother’s Day Yet!!

I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day!  Mine started bright and early with my little snuggle bug crawling into bed with us.
I was then awaken, again early, with breakfast in bed.  Sorry, no pictures of that!  All three girls crawled in with me and drooled over my bacon, scrambled eggs, toast and strawberries.  YUM!  Mama was not sharing!
I was given some precious cards, a gift certificate to a day spa (YES!) and some beautiful flowers.  Each girl gave me a dozen roses in the color of their choice. 
Mema and Papa then came over.
After church we headed home and my hunky husband shooed me out of the kitchen and whipped up a great meal!
    The girls and I played.
Samie beat Mama at arm wrestling.  NOT! 
And a beautiful day was had by all!
The above pics were taken by our budding photographer….

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Trying New Things!

OK, so everyone keeps raving about Live Writ*r for blog posting.  Thought I would give it a try.  Let’s see if pictures actually are easier to post….





WOW!! I think I love it!!  So easy and adds effects to the pics instantly!Now if it posts great…  We’ll see! 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

God could not be in every place
With loving hands to help erase
The teardrops from each baby's face,
And so He thought of mother.

He could not send us here alone
And leave us to a fate unknown;
Without providing for His own,
The outstretched arms of mother.

God could not watch us night and day
And kneel beside our crib to pray,
Or kiss our little aches away;
And so He sent us mother.

And when our childhood days began,
He simply could not take command.
That's why He placed our tiny hand
Securely into mother's.

The days of youth slipped quickly by,
Life's sun rose higher in the sky.
Full grown were we, yet ever nigh
To love us still, was mother.

And when life's span of years shall end,
I know that God will gladly send,
To welcome home her child again,
That ever-faithful mother.

--George W. Wiseman

A very Happy Mother's Day to the amazing Mom's in my life!  With a very special Mother's Day wish to the most amazing Mom there is, MINE!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

3 Additions To The Family

UUHH... NO!  We are not THAT CRAZY!  No more kids!  But we did take the girls to Bui*d A Be*r recently and as usual it was a hit!  This was old hat to Samie, Sydney has been twice before and Sierra did not know what to think of the whole thing!

Here they are warming the hearts to put in their animals.

OH, the excitement!

Are you done yet????


Not too sure of this??!!

Maybe I'll smile a little...

Miss Thing is thinking, OK, been there, done that....

Can I go now??

UUMM Daddy??  Can I do it??

Samie tries to figure these little panties out... give them to Syd, she'll show you how!

Yeah!!!  Pinkie isn't nakee anymore!
(no that is not a typo, Syd says nakee)

And Daddy is hoping that is the last we see of Bu$ld A Be$r!!

My morning prayer...

Dear Lord,
So far today, God, I've done all right.  I haven't gossiped, haven't lost my temper, haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or overindulgent.  I'm pretty glad about that.  But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed and from there, I'm going to need a lot more help.
Thank you.
-source unknown

I had heard this before but when I was reading our small town paper this morning, which rarely has anything worth reading in it, it really hit home for me.  Especially the grumpy, nasty, losing my temper part.  I think this will be my new morning prayer every morning before I get out of bed!

Then to my surprise I also read this-

"The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents."
-John J. Plomp

I think I will put that one in my side bar!  OK still not earth shattering news, but brought a smile to my face. 

About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


About This Blog

the long road
Red Thread Stitches
