Monday, July 26, 2010

The Birthday Girl!

Sydney’s day started with breakfast in bed!  The sparkle in her eyes and the grin on her face told me she had been waiting for this!

001005Breakfast is always the birthday person’s choice.  For Syd- bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese and blackberries.

011Sydney has a love for all things Mic&ey so that was the theme for the day.

045047015She was so excited about EVERY present, from the Minn!e to the can of olives!

029       Happy Birthday my Sunshine!


Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!

Our baby is 5!!

I know every parent thinks this, but………

How did this happen???

We first saw this sweet face 5 days after her 1st birthday.  We had waited so long to see her and it was love at first sight.

001002We think these pictures were taken when she was 6 mos old.  She was 1y and 5 days at referral and when she was placed in our arms she was 13 1/2 mos.

IMG_1117012_12_0002She was so tiny and soooo beautiful!  When she came to us chomping on that apple and just looking at us like, “OK, who are you and why are you the one crying?”, we knew she was a little spit fire.  She was a force to be reckoned with!  Everyone who knows Sydney falls in love with her.

She is a Mommy’s girl through and through!  But don’t think she doesn’t love Daddy and her Samie to pieces!  She is our ray of sunshine, a snuggle bug, a comedian, a spit fire,  OUR SYDNEY!111_111_0002We had a 1st birthday party for her when we came home from China.IMG_23202 yrs oldDSC008633 yrs oldIMG_5963   4 yrs old044Did I forget to say chocolate loving?


Pictures of her special day soon.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Forever Families

There are more children getting their forever family!!  These families are busy trying to raise funds to bring these children home and if you can help them I know they would be so appreciative.

Robin at Dreaming of Tea With Hope has been sewing her fingers off for a few years now.  They have found their next treasure, their “Baby Love” as they call her, and she is sewing once again to raise funds.  Robin makes some amazing things.  I wish I could order every outfit I have seen.  They are really beautiful and so unique.  Great quality!  And Robin has a heart that never quits for the orphans.  I have included her button on my side bar- Red Thread Stitches.

Another family is in the process of bringing home their son, an older child.  This is their 3rd adoption and 2nd older child.  Lori and her family at Joy Unspeakable are holding a fantastic fundraiser with a giveaway that is incredible!  But if you want to see what it is you will have to go to her blog and see for yourself.  I have put her button on my side bar also.

These are just 2 out of many more that are trying to find ways to get their children home to them.  We know how much every penny is appreciated when all you want is to hold your child.  Please consider helping these and any of the other families to bring their children HOME!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Water Babies!

WOW!  These girls have amazed me.  We I have been trying to teach Samie the different swim strokes for a while now.  She has taken a few lessons through the Red Cross and the Y, but nothing for a few years.  The community center that the Red Cross used burned down and the Y is just too expensive.  So I have been trying to show her.  Nothing ever stuck with her.  She has been swimming well enough, just not with the proper strokes.  So when we were in the pool today and she said watch me…………WOW!  She gets it!

And then there is my 2nd water baby!  Sydney is swimming like a little fish.  I took off her life vest today and let her go.  WOW!  She is diving down under the water to retrieve rings at the BOTTOM of the pool!  WOW!!  Did I say that already??

See for yourself………

Did you see those smiles??!!  I have to drag these 2 out of the water. 

You can see Sierra floating around and she is happy doing that.  She does NOT want to be messed with, don’t touch her or splash her.  She was putting her face in the water towards the end, mainly because she did not like that she was not the center of attention.

I have a feeling we will be spending ALOT of time in the water this summer!



Thursday, July 15, 2010

An Amazing Story

This little girl has been in many people’s thoughts and prayers for so long.  She was known to many as Lucy.  She has a very complex heart condition that requires a heart transplant ASAP.  In China this would be impossible.  She has been on the list for International adoption for some time and even had a family pursuing her, but for some reason they were not able to continue the process and she was again placed on the list.  She has finally found her forever family and we are SO happy! 

Please go here to read about this amazing little girl and the equally amazing family that God has blessed her with.  They are in China now and completing the adoption process.

Please continue to keep her and her family in your prayers as they have a long road ahead of them.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Birthday!

To the best father and husband…….


022067064027We love you and hope you have the best day ever!


Sunday, July 11, 2010

More Evidence……


007006YEP!  Our ray of sunshine!

Puts a smile in my heart.

Disclaimer- The bra and panties belong to her sister, not HER!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Ray of Sunshine!

 066 This girl is truly my Ray of Sunshine!  She can bring a smile to my face even in my darkest hours.  Just now she was talking to Samie and I and said, “I sink……”- meaning think.  So I was trying to get her to say the th sound.  I said, “I think….”  And she said, “I fffink…”  She had us all laughing so hard.

Guess you had to be there.  But she is so funny and always bringing smiles to our faces.  I really can’t believe that my baby will be turning 5 in 16 days!  I am going to try to write a post for her birthday.  I want to try and post her referral pics.  The minute Tim saw her he said, “Yep!  That’s my girl!”  She had on camouflage pants.  Tim is a hunter!  She was and IS so adorable.




Friday, July 9, 2010


Not really!  Just more uncertainties and more questions.  We have finally found a wonderful developmental pediatrician who has given us more information than any of the others.  In 5 minutes of talking with her she had us finally feeling like someone was listening and really knew what to do.

So now what??  Well there will be MANY  more evaluations- physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and neuro psych.  Our Dr feels that there is a LOT  more going on than just attachment.  Apparently children with Tetralogy of Fallot can have behavioral, developmental and intellectual issues.  Guess what??  We are having ALL of these!   

We want to thank all of you who have kept Sierra and our entire family in your prayers and ask that you would continue to do so.  We have a very long road ahead of us.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Prayers needed…..

I am asking that you please keep Sierra and our entire family in your prayers tomorrow.  Heck, we could use them everyday!  But tomorrow Sierra has an appt with a Dr who specializes in child neurology therapy.  We are praying for answers to many questions and especially WHAT we can be doing to help her.  This has really affected our entire family in ways that are NOT good!

So if you happen to have a moment tomorrow, please say a prayer for Sierra…. and all of us.

Thank you and Blessings!

About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


About This Blog

the long road
Red Thread Stitches
