Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Time out……

for life, which has gotten very chaotic lately.

I ask that you would keep some specific prayer requests in your hearts…

  1. For my Dad who is undergoing MORE testing for a lesion that was found on his brain and one in his chest.  Sometimes I HATE the V.A.
  2. For Sierra and us as we try to get her to the right therapist for R.A.D., which is a very scary diagnosis in the world of adoption.
  3. For Tim who is undergoing injections into his cervical spine.  We thought he would need shoulder surgery, but now they feel it is in his cervical spine and causing his shoulder symptoms.  If these do not work he will need surgery on his spine.  I think he would prefer shoulder surgery!
  4. For me as I battle a cold and laryngitis.  The girls are happy I can’t yell at them. :)
  5. For our entire family as we try to keep a semblance of normal around here.

Back soon……..














Monday, September 13, 2010

Soccer Babies!

Things 2 and 3 are officially soccer players now.  They had their first practice of the season the other night.  Tim was talked into coaching, good thing his players are only 5 and 6 yr olds!  Samie has played soccer for 8 yrs and is thrilled to be the “assistant coach”. 

Here are some pics of their “practice”!  Too cute!  Can’t wait til Saturday to see them in their uniforms.


We had one last get away this past weekend, The Great W*lf Lodge!  LOVE that place.  The girls all had a blast and I will try to get pics up tomorrow!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My heart turned 12 today!

Today my baby girl, my heart, turned 12 years old.  How can that be?  11 years and 3 months ago; in a little room in an orphanage in Izhevsk, Russia; a chubby little baby was placed in our arms.  It was a day I thought would never happen. 

001She stole our hearts from the first moment… and has never given them back.

Today again is a day I never imagined.  I have a 12 yo!  Samantha, Samie, Sam, our baby girl…. our heart!


We had our family celebration this past Mon.  With school today and cheerleading practice and soccer practice…. well that leaves little time for celebrating.  But know baby girl that we are celebrating everyday that you were placed in our arms!

We made her frost her own birthday cupcakes!  Of course she didn’t mind this at all.  I think an awful lot of that frosting got on her fingers!005 The prospect of contact lenses made her smile!018039 045

Happy Birthday to My Heart!


About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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Red Thread Stitches
