It is the year of the rabbit. So it is said this year will be a much calmer year. I don’t know about you, but we could really use that.
Here are our Chinese cuties before they left for school this morning….
It is the year of the rabbit. So it is said this year will be a much calmer year. I don’t know about you, but we could really use that.
Here are our Chinese cuties before they left for school this morning….
Thank you so much to all of you who have been concerned that someone is harassing the blog. No, nothing like that. Just some puttzes that are trying to advertise things that our 12 yo DOES NOT need to read. I don’t need to read them! You know the ones for “enhancers” and “prolongers”!
Bl*gger has been doing a great job of putting them in my spam section, but I did not want to take the chance of even one getting through. So I will moderate.
NOT that I get that many comments anyway!! HINT, HINT!!
So leave some love, we can all use some of that!
And because no post should be without cuteness…
This is how Syd fell asleep the other night. Mom and Cosmo had come for a slumber party. Sydney has fallen in love with Cosmo lately and he has taken to her also.