Samie did a photo shoot with Sydney the other day.
There was a lot of silliness…..

But even more, there was stunning beauty….

Her eyes are like deep, dark, glistening pools that just beg you to love her…
Then tonight this is what I found…

She told me she had nowhere else to sit and write, even though there were 6 empty chairs at the table …
And this is what she was writing…

She ran out of room on the one line, we are working on her letter spacing!
Little sweetie 

Samie started soccer last week. They won their first game, (7-0) but lost in a majorly bad called game this week, (1-2). Even the ref admitted her mistakes!

I am so excited…. in 2 weeks I will be starting a photography class with Lisa from The Long Road to China. I am terrified and excited at the same time. We will be learning how to get out of the auto mode. I have tried so many times and it just doesn’t sink in, maybe Lisa can get it into this head of mine.
Please, if you think of it, continue to keep us in your prayers. We have major struggles going on and are doing battle. I know that when we are finally in His presence we will understand all. But for now we continue to pray for guidance and peace.