Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring Time

 I love springtime.
Everything is turning green, the flowers are blooming
and my girl goes outside to enjoy the beautiful weather.

syd at tree

syd in hammock
syd looking with tree in background[4]
syd on tramboline[9]
syd with popsicle licking
syd with popsicle[4]
syd with popsicle juice on arm[4]
syd sticky hands[4]
I am just beaming when I see these pictures.
  I was blessed to be the recipient of a $1000 gift card to Cardinal CameraLisa from The Long Road to China... and back had an awesome give away last week and I won! 
I have wanted to upgrade my camera for so long.  I have a good one, but it was still limited in the ISO capabilities.  I had prayed for God to find some way for me to be able to afford to upgrade my camera but just did not see any way I could. 
Then I read on Lisa’s blog about her new camera she had just gotten from Kurt at Cardinal Camera.  Lisa also stated that Kurt had generously offered to help Half the Sky.  This is a wonderful organization that helps orphans in China.  If you shop on-line and
 enter the discount code "HALFSKY" when you check out he will give 5% of your sale back to Half the Sky.  Even if you shop at one of their locations mention the code to whoever helps you.
Kurt had also offered a $1000 gift card to one of Lisa’s lucky readers…..
I was that lucky reader!!
I received my new Canon 60D camera yesterday and have been giddy ever since.  I still need a lot of practice, but I have already noticed a huge difference in my pictures.  I am LOVING it!  Thank you so much Lisa and Kurt!
I need to add that Lisa is an amazing person.  I have taken several photography classes from her and she goes out of her way to help you.  She is a wife, mother of three beautiful children, career woman, awesome photographer and now is starting a boutique!  I don’t know how she does it as just typing all that made me tired.
Please go visit her at The Long Road to China... and back.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

He is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!

Happy Easter!

This year Samie was not with us to dye Easter eggs and we missed her.  But she was having a great time with her friends in Myrtle Beach.

Syd easter 2012
Syd n Daddy Easter 2012
Coloring eggs easter 2012
easter 2012
Easter Morning~

someone thinks it’s much too early to get up
Syd easter morning 2012
someone agrees with her
Syd n Sam easter 2012
Sydney woke up quickly when she saw what the Easter Bunny left
Syd n Mom easter 2012
sneaky Easter Bunny
Easter morning 2012
checking out her eggs
Syd easter 2012 with egg
major sugar high (don’t worry it’s not all hers! this is everyone’s candy put together, still TOO much!)
Syd with candy easter 2012
the bunny’s ears were the first to go
Syd n choc bunny easter 2012
After church Samie put makeup on Sydney, absolutely stunning! 
Syd with makeup easter 2012
the makeup artist and her model
Syd n Sam make up easter 2012

These girls are simply beautiful!  But not just on the outside.  I can not put into words how much I love them and how blessed we are that He placed them in our lives.  That we get to parent them is such a gift.
We thank Him for this gift everyday just as we thank Him for the gift of His Son.
He is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!
Happy Easter!

About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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Red Thread Stitches
