Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy or Sad??

This was our last day at the mouse land and we were both happy and sad.  We really did have a great time, but walking for miles around a theme park that is packed, in 100 degree heat, with 100% humidity can be a little taxing on a body.  Especially if that body was a little on the “mature” side!  Shoot, Sierra and Sydney were riding in a stroller most of the time and they were tired!  So yes, we were happy to be going home, but also sad as we really loved the whole experience.  LOVED staying right on site!

So, today we headed to H#llyw**d Studios.  They really pack a lot into a relatively small space.  The first thing we hit was the T*wer *f Terr*r!  Samie had wanted to ride this so badly that she could taste it.  The only problem is, Tim and I both hate rides like this.  Tim will usually cave to his daughter’s big eyes looking forlornly up at him. :)  Mama….. not so much!  But even Tim was saying NO to this one.  He told her he would walk her up to the front and then wait there for her.  Well, this Mama said, “NO WAY!”  Her little chick was NOT gonna ride that thing alone.  So off Sam and I went.  Holding hands and praying the whole way.  I kid you not!  When the ride started we were praying.  During the actual drop, then rise, then drop and repeat…. I kept yelling, “PLEASE STOP!  PLEASE STOP!”

No matter how I edit this picture, the look of absolute terror does not go away.  MINE that is, Samie’s look is one of absolute delight!

001I am definitely getting too old for this!  She wanted to ride it again.  I politely declined!  And asked her if she had lost her mind!

The girls again met their friend…. and Daddy wanted in on this one too!

003004  To prove that Tim did ride the roller coaster with Samie..

012 HHHMMMMM, I think he got off easy!!

This was Syd as we waited patiently for Daddy and Samie on their 2nd time riding this coaster.


And to prove how hot and tired we were…..008   So, from the land of the mouse….Samie's pics 011where you find these cute surprises on your bed….. 

Samie's pics 001 Samie's pics 012 we were sad to say good-bye, but know we will return again someday!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dis#ey continued….

Sorry, life has gotten in the way of finishing up posting about our visit to the wonderful world of the mouse.  On the fourth day we finally RESTED!!  Yeah we slept in, ok we slept until 7:00.  Tim and I just can’t sleep long on hotel beds no matter how comfortable they are.  So we pushed everyone out of their cozy beds, all except Sierra who will not sleep if someone is up and was already out of bed, and headed to breakfast.  Yum!  I love breakfast, especially if someone else is cooking it!  We then headed to the pool!  AWESOME!  The pool here has a huge slide, smaller one for the little tykes and a water play area- kind of like a mini water park.  The girls loved it.  Again everyone except Sierra who fused and fumed the whole time.  But the rest of us had a blast.


If you listen closely you can hear her screams!  016007 This is all I could catch of Syd and Sam on the big slide.  They were just too quick and I could not see if it was them coming down the slide or not.

021022 This is the small slide, Syd loved it and Samie had to give it a try too.025 And then the Florida skies opened up again and we headed for our room.  And this is what we saw from our balcony.  A mommy ostrich laid an egg….. they later came and removed the egg, we were told that they only have females on this savannah and the eggs are not fertilized.  They do not want the mommy to sit on the egg forever waiting for it to hatch.  I did feel sorry for the mommy……  she kept coming back looking for the egg.033 2 Roan Antelope had a little disagreement about who was king of the savannah….(sorry this one is so blurry, gotta get a telephoto lense! )051And the giraffe paid us a visit…083  That evening we took a chance on getting into the restaurant at the hotel.  It is booked months in advance, but they told us if we came between the early crowd and the later one we could probably get in.  The Sana@ serves African cuisine with an Indian flavor.  Let me tell you, THIS. PLACE. WAS. AWESOME!!  Even our very picky eater loved it!071 074072075

And another day came to a close on the savannah.  One more day left in mouse land.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 3 The Mag!c King&om

The day started the same as every other here in Florida…..HOT and STICKY!!  But the girls excitement to actually see the mouse’s house and the princesses was not to be squashed by anything.

First stop, the magic carpet ride of Al*ddin.








Then off to the jungle cruise where Samie got to pilot the boat.  008

Next stop, the pirates!  Sierra was NOT fond of this ride and made her opinion known to everyone!  Samie and I then rode Spla$h Mountain while Tim rode Th*nder Mountain with her.  After lunch and the Coun!ry Be*r Jamb*ree we sat down to get a good view of the parade.  While we waited Tim and the girls tried their hand at rope tricks.

013021015And then the skies opened up and we ran for cover.  Straight into the H*unted M*nsion.  What better time than when the wind is howling and lightening booming?  Sydney LOVED it!  Sierra…. NO!  Sydney was petting the ghost that hitched a ride in our car!  Unfortunately the rains were not letting up and many rides were closed.  So we wandered over to T**ntown to visit the mouse’s house.

  That evening we had dinner at the Crys&al P*lace and again met some friends.  Even Daddy got to meet his favorite!!

053035  036 044 056 E*yore loved Samie’s Sil!y B*ndz and made off with one!








Not that she would miss one out of the 4 or 5 dozen she has!!  Then she had a run in with T!gger!!








It was then time for the parade and fireworks!  D!sney does know how to put on a party!!

And another wonderful day comes to a close on the savannah!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wonderful Mouse World Day 2

Anim&l King%om look out, we’re coming!!  Today we rose bright and early…….and some of us put our sass on before breakfast!003 

Samie and Tim rode the Expedition Ever&st ride before we headed to breakfast with the mouse and his friends.  They loved it.  We then headed to breakfast and all the girls were so excited to see their friends.

010  011014

  We had a great time and I will just post some pics instead of boring you will explanations.  Cause I know you don’t come here for my writing skills!

That evening we met up with another family who recently brought home their 3 yo daughter from China.  We met Liya of Journey To Our Princess and her Mommy and brothers.065

We met at the T-R#x restaurant at Downtown Di%ney.  So cool, they have huge animatronic dinosaurs.  Sierra did not like this, but the other girls loved it.  A little loud, but fun.076

 The kids had fun digging for bones while we waited for our table.

And of course talked us into Build-A-Din%saur

Amy and family, Thanks for meeting us.  We had fun!

Another night drew to a close on the Savannah and we fell into bed exhausted but happy.


About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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Red Thread Stitches
