Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 3 The Mag!c King&om

The day started the same as every other here in Florida…..HOT and STICKY!!  But the girls excitement to actually see the mouse’s house and the princesses was not to be squashed by anything.

First stop, the magic carpet ride of Al*ddin.








Then off to the jungle cruise where Samie got to pilot the boat.  008

Next stop, the pirates!  Sierra was NOT fond of this ride and made her opinion known to everyone!  Samie and I then rode Spla$h Mountain while Tim rode Th*nder Mountain with her.  After lunch and the Coun!ry Be*r Jamb*ree we sat down to get a good view of the parade.  While we waited Tim and the girls tried their hand at rope tricks.

013021015And then the skies opened up and we ran for cover.  Straight into the H*unted M*nsion.  What better time than when the wind is howling and lightening booming?  Sydney LOVED it!  Sierra…. NO!  Sydney was petting the ghost that hitched a ride in our car!  Unfortunately the rains were not letting up and many rides were closed.  So we wandered over to T**ntown to visit the mouse’s house.

  That evening we had dinner at the Crys&al P*lace and again met some friends.  Even Daddy got to meet his favorite!!

053035  036 044 056 E*yore loved Samie’s Sil!y B*ndz and made off with one!








Not that she would miss one out of the 4 or 5 dozen she has!!  Then she had a run in with T!gger!!








It was then time for the parade and fireworks!  D!sney does know how to put on a party!!

And another wonderful day comes to a close on the savannah!


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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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