Monday, July 19, 2010

Water Babies!

WOW!  These girls have amazed me.  We I have been trying to teach Samie the different swim strokes for a while now.  She has taken a few lessons through the Red Cross and the Y, but nothing for a few years.  The community center that the Red Cross used burned down and the Y is just too expensive.  So I have been trying to show her.  Nothing ever stuck with her.  She has been swimming well enough, just not with the proper strokes.  So when we were in the pool today and she said watch me…………WOW!  She gets it!

And then there is my 2nd water baby!  Sydney is swimming like a little fish.  I took off her life vest today and let her go.  WOW!  She is diving down under the water to retrieve rings at the BOTTOM of the pool!  WOW!!  Did I say that already??

See for yourself………

Did you see those smiles??!!  I have to drag these 2 out of the water. 

You can see Sierra floating around and she is happy doing that.  She does NOT want to be messed with, don’t touch her or splash her.  She was putting her face in the water towards the end, mainly because she did not like that she was not the center of attention.

I have a feeling we will be spending ALOT of time in the water this summer!




groovy mama said...

Oh my Syd is such a FISH....i love her suit too!!!! Sammie did good too, Glad you are a great teacher! Lucky you have a pool!


sierrasmom said...

Look at those girls go!!!My Sierra loves the water too. She also is diving to pick up things at the bottom. She still has a little trouble but can swim underwater fine. I have no doubt she will be seimming all on her own by the end of the summer!!!

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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