Monday, September 13, 2010

Soccer Babies!

Things 2 and 3 are officially soccer players now.  They had their first practice of the season the other night.  Tim was talked into coaching, good thing his players are only 5 and 6 yr olds!  Samie has played soccer for 8 yrs and is thrilled to be the “assistant coach”. 

Here are some pics of their “practice”!  Too cute!  Can’t wait til Saturday to see them in their uniforms.


We had one last get away this past weekend, The Great W*lf Lodge!  LOVE that place.  The girls all had a blast and I will try to get pics up tomorrow!



Jolene Powell said...

How wonderful that you have an activity that all your kids can participate in together. Hopefully this will help with some family bonding and good times!


groovy mama said...

Look at sammies leg muscles...wish i had her legs! This looks like a good idea for sierra and seems to love it???!!! Glad Tim got to help out and hope he doesn't have any problems once he gets his surgery!

BrOwN CiRcUs said...

So cute the entire family is involved...well wait? Where is Mama? I bet bringing team snacks right? Love these pics!

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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