16 years ago Tim and I pledged our love for each other before God and our families. 16 years 4 months and 12 days ago He brought together 2 strangers through the ministering of an Angel here on Earth.
Tim and I met on a blind date that was set up by my good friend and neighbor Gigi, our Angel! Gigi worked for the town I lived in and Tim was a policeman for that town. She had to talk both of us into going on this date. I was done with men and Tim was getting over the end of his marriage. But Gigi kept insisting that we needed to meet.
We went on one more blind date and never looked back. One month to the day after our first date Tim asked me to marry him. He likes to tell everyone that he got me at a weak moment, I had a migraine. But migraine or not my answer was yes!
The last 16 years have brought many joys as well as many struggles. MANY struggles! But oh the joys we have had!
Happy Anniversary my love!

I Pledge My Love To You
More today than yesterday
but less than tomorrow!
Love that photo!
My how time flys! NEw blog, nice!
What a sweet love story.....
Hope you both had a GREAT Happy Anniversary weekend:)
God Bless,
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