The girls in front of a Koi pond in the park

Group shot- we had to squeeze in so tight Sierra and Tim got lost in the back

Today was the consulate appointment. Our guide took the paperwork to the American Consulate in Guangzhou to get approval for the visas. Our children are still considered Chinese citizens until they go through Immigration in the US. Therefore they must travel on Chinese passports with an American Visa stamp in them. All the adoption paperwork and medicals go to the consulate for their final approval and then the visa can be issued. So today was the day we would find out if the paperwork had all the is dotted and ts crossed right! Apparently we passed as we did not get any calls for further clarifications.
Tomorrow we will go to the consulate to take the oath. This is just a formality where we swear we are who we say and we are adopting these children. Then the visas will be ready for pickup on Thursday. And Friday will be the real test of Tim's and my marriage!! Just kidding! It's been tested many times in our years together and we are stronger than ever. But it will certainly be a test of our sanity. 2 four year olds and more than 24 hours of travel will certainly test what we are made of.
Today we walked around the island more as the sun was out and shining brightly for the first time since we have been here. It was still cold, but much more bearable. We also had our group photos, red couch pictures and our group dinner. The photos were such a madhouse. Imagine 11 children from just under 2 years up to 9 years old, parents all trying to get their child to look forward or just to sit down. Total chaos!! The group photo was not much better with the photographer trying to get the shot on his camera and also take a photo on each families camera. And everyone with hungry squirmy children!
We were finally able to get to the restaurant and have our group dinner. It was yummy! We will be sad to see everyone go their separate ways. Myriam will leave in the morning, she is the China director for Faith and has been here to help as this is one of Faith's largest groups. It was so nice to be able to meet and get to know her. She really is as fantastic in person as she has been on the phone.
Our time here in China is winding down and it is bittersweet. We are so anxious to get home, but I am sad to leave the country that has given me 2 daughters. We are unsure if we will ever be able to return, but we are taking the best of China home with us.
1 comment:
The girls look beautiful in their Chinese dress. So terrific that you were able to meet Myriam and all of the Faith families! How fun is that??!! Glad you will be headed home soon. We'll be praying for your safe travels.
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