The scene outside our hotel this morning

2 bored little girls waiting in the airport

OK, I still need to catch you up on yesterday at the Great Wall, but we are stuck in Beijing and I am exhausted. We woke up yesterday to snow on the ground. We had just asked our guide Charlotte if it might snow and she said probably not since it usually only snowed in Beijing 2-3 times a year and then melted very quickly. Well, the next day it snowed. That was yesterday, then again this morning we awoke to snow and it. has. not. stopped. snowing. since. Almost all flights going in and out of Beijing are cancelled. We are now due to fly out tomorrow at 7:40am and we are unsure if this will happen since it is STILL snowing!!
We are unsure how the rest of our schedule will be rearranged or when we will get Sierra, we should find out later tonight. For now I will leave you with a few pictures from today. I will still catch up with the Great Wall pics later.
Note from me Donna, posting for Sandy...She sent this to me at 6am EST Sunday so that would be 7pm in China on Sunday night!...Hoping she get somewhere soon!
Oh no! I cannot believe this is happening to you. You've got a whole bunch of people praying for you back home, so just hang in there, all will work out.
Jolene (Faith 09)
It will work out...I promise!!!! We love the pictures. My husband works for the highway dept and loves the picture of the salt truck!!! He wants to show everyone at work!!! Can't wait to hear you are where you are supposed to be...with Sierra!!
Sandy, praying that by now, your family is at the airport or better yet, on that plane getting closer to Sierra! (It's Sunday night US time, Monday morning China) Keeping you in our prayers!!!!
Sharee (Faith Family Friend)
Mama to Sterling, adopted from Nanjing, China-11/23/09!
Hang in there, Sandy and Family!!
It is now 11:20am China-time,so I am praying that you are on your way to Sierra...or there already:)
Amy H
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