Friday, January 29, 2010

What's new??

OK... So a stalker has let me know that I have not added any new pics lately.  Refereeing Watching 2 four yr olds does not leave much time for downloading pictures.  And then there is the never ending laundry.  How does adding one 4 yr old to the mix add up to so much extra laundry?  And then there is also Mom's taxi service, taxes to be done, bills to be paid, house cleaning, sorting through the mass of adoption paperwork to file and that left to be done (don't think that once the adoption is done that the paperwork is over!), cooking, helping with home work and who is that man that sleeps in my bed every once in a while?  OK, OK, I know, that is the life of a mom!

So what is new??  The girls have gone to 2 birthday partys in the past week.  I heard from another mom that there were 2 while we were gone also.  One of the ones they did get to go to was Sydney's "boyfriend"!  These 2 have been in pre-school together the last 2 years and are always together.  When you ask Sydney if Miles is her boyfriend, she says " Yes, he likes me!"  Too cute!  Miles had his party at the bowling alley and the girls loved it.  Sierra was a little overwhelmed at first.......

but she soon overcame that!

Sydney as usual had no trouble having fun!

They both enjoyed the cupcakes, I don't know who enjoyed them more??

And everyone enjoyed the few days of nice weather we have had.....

We want to thank everyone who has been praying for Sierra's cardiology appt.  We had that yesterday and got great news.  Her repair was done in China and from what they can tell it was done great.  She has a residual murmur, but this is normal.  She has NO limitations on her activity.  She will need to be followed at the cardiologists every year for a while and then may go to every other year.  Many times people with Tetralogy of Fallot will need a valve replacement as a young adult, but that is years away and may never need to be done.  We also got the results of all her labs and everything is normal.  All her immunization titers are also great.  We are just waiting on the poop patrol results and should have those today or early next week.  So health wise she is doing great!  Let's just say we are still working on everything else!  Keep praying!



groovy mama said...

I love the green icing on those cute cheeks...thanks for the new pics....i know how hard it is w/3!

keep your good work!


Keith and Kelly said...

So glad to hear good news on the medical side of things, and will keep praying for the rest. I know you must be soooo exhausted! Blessings, Kelly

Reena said...

HI Sandy,

WONDERFUL NEWS! We are so happy that all of Sierra's medicals came back with good news.

All of the girls looks great!


sierrasmom said...

These pictures are way too cute!!! I am glad you got good news at the cardiologist!!! We both now have 4 yaer old Sierras!!!!

BrOwN CiRcUs said...

Hi Sandy! Great news!!! She is looking happy and healthy! It's great to see an update, ( I was silently stalking the site for an update too :)

About Me

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Hi I'm Sandy, a stay at home Mom to Samantha and Sydney and wife to an amazing man who is not afraid to live in a house full of estrogen...although he does work a lot! Welcome to our blog~


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Red Thread Stitches
